Tell us what makes you happy! Food. Lots of Food. And my modeling career.
What is creativity? Creativity is the process of expression through innovation
Do you have a favorite pattern? Leopard Print, obviously.
What is something that makes you laugh? People.
What do you want to learn more about? I’d like to brush up on my quantum physics… and veterinary medicine.
What do you enjoy doing? I enjoy knocking things to the ground, chasing the laser pointer, and lots of sunbathing.
What do you enjoy doing with others? Shopping!
Where would you like to go? Paris Fashion Week
What do you want to make today? Cupcakes!
How would you make the world a better place? I would like to make haute couture more easily accessible, to me.
Wearing CatneyDogney.
Want to be featured? Gather up your photos of your littles wearing courtneycourtney and send me a note at info.courtneycourtney at gmail dot com!