custom work

tutu fancy

Coming up to my dear friend’s daughter’s 4th birthday !

She requested something “fancy!”

I spotted these tulle tutu’s at the thrift last week, and didn’t want to just make a top to put the skirt at the bottom. Although, this is how it turned into a rainbow dress, with yellow at the base.

After much deliberation, I added the tulle mesh as side panels. Hope the birthday girl will enjoy this creation as much I dreaming it up!

outgrown but not ready to hand down

My friend has always gotten courtneycourtneys and customs made for her family and friends’ kids. I received a stack of pieces that her niece has outgrown but was not ready to part with just yet!

My first thought when I was going through all the clothing was, YES. This mama takes care of her clothing and I really appreciate that so much.

I created one dress from four, one sweater from two and a pillow from three.

Send me a photo of your outgrown clothing you’d like re-sewn, and I can see what I might be able to make!

I really enjoyed making the pillow!

courtneycourtney custom: team spirit

Your team, your tshirt, your dress.

First, begin your order at and enter your transaction number below.

Orders begin at $88 but may be less depending on style.  Twirl skirts require more piecing, fabric and time.

birthday bespoke: custom birthday cardigan hoodie

Let's celebrate you and your child!  

This is for the older girls!  Sweet layering cardigan with hood, no closures.

Please leave 2 months minimum for this custom process, not including shipping time, to receive your dress.  

First, begin your order at and enter your transaction number below.

me at 33

In brainstorming a style that would fit several sizes, I created this 33 wrap skirt.  My friend was turning 33 when we were in Brazil so I wanted to surprise her with a number piece, but also that I would be able to wear it a few months later.