rainbow dress

tutu fancy

Coming up to my dear friend’s daughter’s 4th birthday !

She requested something “fancy!”

I spotted these tulle tutu’s at the thrift last week, and didn’t want to just make a top to put the skirt at the bottom. Although, this is how it turned into a rainbow dress, with yellow at the base.

After much deliberation, I added the tulle mesh as side panels. Hope the birthday girl will enjoy this creation as much I dreaming it up!

before and after and after: rainbow sweater

I first stitched this awesome black rainbow sweater into this halter in 2019.

Very simply, I made the sleeves into the top halter part and left most of the bottom waistband as is.

I’m a bit more advanced in my sweater stitching and also prefer different cuts as I age.

I still prefer halters! This style has more adjustable options. Happy Pride!

NYC bodega: all felt convenience store by Lucy Sparrow

Get all your daily goods at your convenience!  In felt!  UK artist Lucy Sparrow recreates your American favorites and Little Miss Strange takes us into this soft, colorful store. mystrange.family/2017/06/07/fully-stocked-felt-bodega-by-lucy-sparrow

Obviously I'm drawn to packaging design, I wonder how different Ms. Sparrow found our goods to be!  Please pick me up some Cheetos ....