birthday party

tutu fancy

Coming up to my dear friend’s daughter’s 4th birthday !

She requested something “fancy!”

I spotted these tulle tutu’s at the thrift last week, and didn’t want to just make a top to put the skirt at the bottom. Although, this is how it turned into a rainbow dress, with yellow at the base.

After much deliberation, I added the tulle mesh as side panels. Hope the birthday girl will enjoy this creation as much I dreaming it up!

birthday number dresses

As always, the numbers are found, not ironed onto the tshirts.

I am always looking for more numbers!  

More numbers as I find them, and a special birthday print in queue.

12m animale/1/pinks/ss

Size 12m ~ 17 ¼” long.

*pinhole right at top of number 1

Features © courtneycourtney animale silkscreen.

Any faint paintmarks are result of the handmade printing technique.

The prints will soften after initial wash.

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12m purple/1/pink/gather/ss

Size 12m ~ 17 ½” long.

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12m purples/1/ss

Size 12m ~ 17” long.

Number 1 is vintage, cracked.

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2T animale/lime/2/rr

Size 2T ~ 22” long.

Features © courtneycourtney animale silkscreen.

Any faint paintmarks are result of the handmade printing technique.

The prints will soften after initial wash.

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2T lime/mix/2/ss

Size 2T ~ 21 ½” long.

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2T green/blue/maple/ls/supertwirl

Size 2T ~ 21” long.

Super-pieced, super-twirly skirt.

Features © courtneycourtney Os silkscreen.

Features © courtneycourtney maple leaf silkscreen.

Any faint paintmarks are result of the handmade printing technique.

The prints will soften after initial wash.

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3T orange/superstripes/3/rr/green

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Size 3T

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4T red/supertwirl/4/ss

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6/7 blues/greens/6/bow/gather

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6/7 superstripes/6/blues/ss

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6/7 cat/6/blues/bow/ls

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⅞ royal/animale/orange/7/stripe

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⅞ orange/pocket/green/twirl

Size ⅞ ~ 29” long, 12” across chest at underarm.

Sleeves are 14” from underarm to wrist.

Pieced, paneled skirt.

Original pocket salvaged from another shirt!

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⅞ pink/zebra/7/stripes

Size ⅞ ~ 28 ½” long, 12 ½” across chest at underarm.

Sleeves are 11” from underarm to wrist.

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⅞ green/7/retro/polkadots

Size ⅞ ~ 28” long, 12 ½” across chest at underarm.

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8/10 blues/9/mix

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